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CopDVD menu screen. Image courtesy of WideSight.Manufacturer: Widesight (catalog number 1079) Region: 0 (all regions) Price: $15 Running time: 97 min. Sound: Dolby 5.1 Format: widescreen Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitles: Chinese/English (burned-in) Talent files: none Trailers: none Other extras: none Like most of WideSight's discs, this is really nothing great. The picture is clear and without scratches, but the colors are muted and dull. Soundwise, the Dolby mix is compentent. The subtitles, however, are horribly mispelled (which actually adds a bit to this movie I think) and are hard to read at times. Still, for its' cheap price, I've seen a lot worse on a DVD. |