Owing more than a bit of inspiration to Activision's Atari 2600 library, most notably Pitfall, Gaijin Games continues its string of fun and stylish WiiWare games with the fourth entry in the Bit.Trip series, Runner. Though it might not look like much at first, this is an addicting blend of platforming and music/rhythm gaming that's well worth your Wii Points.
The game's setup has you playing as CommanderVideo, a character seemingly hopped up on a six-pack of Red Bull, as he is perpertually sprinting scross the screen. Your aim is to help CommanderVideo avoid obstacles via a small set of moves like jumping and kicking so that he can progress to the next area. If your timing is off, it's back to the beginning of the level.
While this may sound overly simplistic and difficult, the small size of the levels, quick re-spawn, fluid control, and accompanying soundtrack and graphical effects that steadily build as you progress assures that frustration never quite sets in enough to quit the game.
The "deaths" (of which you'll have many) actually add to the enjoyment of Bit.Trip Runner, as this is one of those releases that has that "just one more play" feeling, which is rewarded when you finish each level in the nick of time with sweaty palms and risen heart rate.