Cradle 2 the Grave
AKA: Cradle to the Grave
Director: Andrzej Bartkowiak
Stars: Jet Li, DMX, Mark Dacascos, Kelly Hu, Anthony Anderson, Gabrielle Union, Tom Arnold, Chi McBride
Maybe I'm getting old or lowering my expectations too much, but -- despite the horrble reviews and word of mouth Cradle 2 the Grave has gotten -- I actually enjoyed this movie. It's basically Romeo Must Die (Jet Li's previous film with Andrzej Bartkowiak) all over again, but things are more polished and tightened this time out. The slim plot has Jet going after a set of diamonds which can be fused to make high-grade plutonium for weapons. Trouble is, a team of thieves (led by rapper DMX) got the diamonds first, and there's also the mandatory loony bad guy (Mark Dacascos) who wants the stones for himself.
To be frank, the plot is nothing special and the script is crap in parts, especially when it comes to "explaining" exactly how the diamonds can transform into nuclear bombs. But the action in Cradle 2 the Grave comes fast and furious, and that's really what it all comes down to, isn't it? This is some of Jet Li's best work in years; one particular highlight is a nod to My Father is a Hero, where Jet uses a midget to beat up a group of bad guys. Yeah, it's silly, but at least it's something a bit different, rather than the Matrix and Crouching Tiger ripoffs polluting movie screens these days.
One thing, though -- does EVERYONE in these movies have to know kung fu? I was expecting Tom Arnold to bust out some drunken fist. At any rate, Cradle 2 the Grave is a fast and fun action movie that might be too "dumb" for a lot of people, but something die-hard action junkies will enjoy.