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2007; directed by Oh Ki-Han

This South Korean horror film certainly offers up a good share of blood. But it just can't seem to decide if it's a psychological ghost story or a slasher flick. And after the second or third plot twist thrown in that only serves to muddle the waters further, the viewer might be forgiven if they end up feeling like throwing up their hands and giving up.

Voices centers on a young girl named Ka-In (Yun Jin-Seo), who is attending her aunt's wedding. Ka-In's family is shocked when her aunt jumps from a high ledge, and disturbed even further when another family member murders the aunt in the hospital. Things become even stranger when Ka-In becomes the target of attacks from her friends and loved ones. Does Ka-In's family have a curse hovering over them, or are they the target of a plot for revenge?

The major problem for Voices is that it never seems committed to either of the possibilities. At first, it does play like a standard ghost thriller, then takes a more visceral turn, and then finally adds in a Fight Club-esque twist that makes the viewer throw out pretty much everything they've been thinking about the movie for the past ninety minutes, and coming away with a bit of an empty and cheated feeling in the process. Plot twists are all fine and good when they're handled well, but here, the twists feel like they were thrown on for shits and giggles, not to actually give more depth to the film.

Voices's haphazard plot makes the movie feel disappointing, because it does do many things right. The mostly young cast does a solid job, the film does have a very nice visual style, and the appearance of some good old-fashioned blood-letting is welcome in this increasingly PC-friendly PG-13 excuses for horror coming at viewers from everywhere in the world. But, unfortunately, the stong points of Voices ultimately can't overcome that the basic story itself is flawed. As such, this one can only garner a mild recommendation for the die-hard Asian horror fans out there.


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