Black Magic Part II
AKA: Black Magic 2, Black Magic II, Revenge of the Zombies
Year of release: 1976
Genre: horror/exploitation
Director: Ho Meng-Hua
Action director: Yuen Cheung-Yan
Producer: Run Run Shaw
Writer: Ni Kuan
Cinematography: Cho Wai-Kei
Music: Frankie Chan
Editor: Chiang Hsing-Lung
Stars: Ti Lung, Tanny Tien, Lo Lieh, Wai Wang, Lily Li, Lam Wai-Tiu, Terry Lau, Yueng Chi-Hing
Unrated; contains IIB-level violence, language, nudity, and sexual situations
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With more than a smattering of cheesily over-the-top gore effects and the most bare breasts you'll see this side of a Skinemax late-night softcore romp, Black Magic Part II is a perfect movie for those who want to get into the seedier side of Hong Kong cinema, but aren't ready to jump into the Category III pool just yet.
The first Black Magic film was a surprise hit for the Shaw Brothers studio, so they quickly released this sequel, which actually isn't connected to the original movie, despite having much of the same cast and crew.
This time out, a trio of doctors led by Ti Lung are investigating a series of mysterious deaths. After some canny detective work -- which mostly comprises of the doctors coincidentally being in the right place and time to witness people dying first-hand -- they learn that a wizard (Lo Lieh) has been behind the carnage, using a group of ghosts and/or zombies (depending on your definition of those terms) to keep himself youthful and make a bit of cash in the process.
The plot here really only serves the purpose of moving the story forward enough so that there's an excuse for more boobs and blood to thrown at the viewer's ocular orbs, so don't really expect much here in the way of great acting, sweeping cinematography, and the like. This was obviously a production meant as a quick cash grab, using tried-and-true Hong Kong methods like stealing the score from other movies so that the film-makers didn't have to bother with coming up with any new material.
But even though Black Magic Part II is low-budget and very shallow, it's still a fun ride, especially if you are into "light" exploitation fare. In a way, you have to respect a film that doesn't even bother waiting one minute to show nudity. The film-makers certainly knew their audience here and delivered on the expectations of them.