Prostitute Killer
Director: Sam Ho
Stars: Mark Cheng, Simon Lui, Gabriel Harrison, Karen Tong, Chan Ming Kwan
A trio of disgruntled orphans spend their nights picking up hostesses and then raping and killing them. Things get a bit more complicated for the boys when they piss off one of the local big brothers, and then when one of them falls for one of their intended victims.
This Cat III flick definitely earns its' hard rating -- the first scene involves a brutal rape sequence, followed by a decapitation. There are some suitably unnerving scenes during the film, such as when one victim is scalped and acid is poured into her wounds, which held promise. But the rest of the movie is so damn boring, the gore and sex lose their effectiveness after a while. During most of its' running time, Prostitute Killer seems to be attempting to be more of a serious Triad drama, but the movie's weak script -- which gives very little explanation as to exactly why the trio commit their crimes besides the weak "mommy abandoned me" excuse and bounces between subplots like a pinball machine -- gives the actors little to work with, and the movie's cheap production values only make things worse.
A review of the VCD for this movie can be found here