Tragic Fantasy: Tiger of Wanchai
Director: Steven Law
Stars: Simon Yam, Lau Ching-Wan, Vincent Wan, Roy Cheung, Yvonne Yung Hung, Ben Lam, Lo Lieh
There is a rule that usually holds for Hong Kong movies -- if Simon Yam is in a Category III movie, usually it will be good. However, there is always the proverbial exception to a rule, and Tragic Fantasy is it. This is an extremely dull by-the-numbers "small-time hood rises to the top but loses everything" Triad movie that even some gory violence and sex scenes can't liven up. Everyone looks like they were sleepwalking through their roles, and I almost fell asleep watching this clunker. There is really nothing to recommend about this movie; even Simon Yam fails to provide his usual coolness, and the supporting cast (especially Lau Ching-Wan and Roy Cheung) are wasted as well. Take some advice from me and don't waste any of your time with this snooze-fest unless you must see each and every movie Simon Yam's ever been in. Really, the only "tragic" thing about this film is how bad it is.
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